

Free Online Learning Tools & Resources for College Students

Written by College Cliffs Team At, our team, comprising seasoned educators and counselors, is committed to supporting students on their journey through graduate studies. Our advisors, holding advanced degrees in diverse fields, provide tailored guidance, current program details, and pragmatic tips on navigating application procedures.

Reviewed by Linda Weems I got started researching colleges and universities about 10 years ago while exploring a second career. While my second career ended up being exactly what I’m doing now, and I didn’t end up going to college, I try to put myself in your shoes every step of the way as I build out College Cliffs as a user-friendly resource for prospective students.

Updated: March 22, 2025, Reading time: 41 minutes

Find your perfect college degree

College Cliffs is an advertising-supported site. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site.

The burgeoning trend in online education began way before the pandemic forced the education sector to adapt to the new normal–remote learning. Prestigious colleges and universities have opened academic pathways by offering online curricula.

Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) collaborated to create an online course provider known as edX, which has a massive collection of modules and other learning materials with free access to the public.

Other schools, on the other hand, are still expanding their resources so that college students can have the best education amidst this health crisis.

College Cliffs - Online Tools Fact 3

On the other hand, Arizona State University offered online classes way earlier than the two Ivy League Schools. Back in 2010, the school officials recognized the evolving needs of their students in terms of college-level education.

Students were looking for access and flexibility that on-campus courses can’t deliver. They were in search of the convenience of a self-paced learning method. Hence, they presented multiple paths, including online learning.

Every higher education institution has one ultimate commitment–provide access to quality education. At present, college students live a more complicated life. And going to a traditional college setting seems to be more of a burden than a privilege.

Educators acknowledge these factors, which are never going away. Despite the skepticism of some institutions about the idea, they have to accept the inevitable that online modality is the optimum solution to fulfill the academic needs of today’s student community.

College Cliffs - Online Tools Fact 2

For the past several years, the perception of online education has been overwhelmingly positive. The efficiency and accessibility that it provides to the students overpower the skepticism of the firm believers of conventional education.

In fact, according to a study conducted this year about online education trends, 52% of the 1500 student respondents said that flexibility and convenience of learning while fulfilling existing responsibilities are the top reasons why they opt for distance learning.

Furthermore, students didn’t give much importance to the reputation of a particular school in their choice to enroll.

According to the 2018 study performed by Learning House, Inc., 85% of students who enrolled in hybrid courses, both online and on-campus, felt their experience in online lectures was far better than the classroom course.

In another study by Babson/College Board, 77% of academic leaders believed that online education was similar to or higher than learning in an actual classroom. More than 69% of chief academic officers thought online learning is an essential part of long-term educational strategies.

With that said, products of online education are never far behind those of conventional schools. An excellent example of online degrees at par or even outperforming traditional degrees is evident all over the world.

At the University of Essex in the U.K., their online degrees are in the top 21 of all U.K. institutions, holding a 91 score in the National Student Survey (NSS) operated by Britain’s higher education regulator.

Online vs Traditional

Students are rapidly turning to online courses because they have offered better ways to earn. In distance education, students gain greater control over their learning by having a self-paced method. With all online resources and learning tools available on the web, students can easily replay, relisten, and go over the modules until they fully understand the topic.

Interactive education platforms allow convenient and exclusive communication among students, instructors, and classmates. Online chat and video conferences are more efficient and effective in information dissemination.

With online courses, assessments happen more frequently, making it easy for students to address the areas for improvement quickly. Instructors can also track their progress and assist should the need arise.

It’s been a while now since online education is a good option for students who, for several reasons, can’t access the traditional method. Although rudimentary online courses are still very much present, both the pedagogy and technology supporting online learning have turned significantly better over the past few years.

It’s no surprise that, at present, there is a surge of cases where online education is indeed outperforming its conventional classroom counterpart. The students’ success and preference for distance learning are spiraling up. These indications will be not only beneficial to the education sector but also to the country.

Ultimate List of Free Online Learning Tools & Resources

College Cliffs is an advertising-supported site. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site.

General Research Reference, Tools & Resources

research word cloud on an isolated blackboard - science concept


TED-Ed is a collection of original videos about a wide range of topics shared by experts like directors, journalists, educators, historians, and physicians, to name a few. These are short award-winning media contents coupled with various questions and references, also known as TED-Ed Lessons.

Students worldwide have used this platform as a source of information on subject matters for their research, from current events to global issues, anything that ignites every student and teacher’s curiosity.


ResearchGate is an informative website that contains specific topics in science that are ideal for research projects. The network has millions of members collaborating on different ideas, sharing and discussing them through this platform. Publications, discussions, and other references are open to everyone.

Students have a chance to ask questions or post their papers and connect with their collaborators and co-authors. ResearchGate will show the stats on the uploaded publications, such as the number of viewers who accessed the material.


The MERLOT collection contains discipline-specific educational resources, academic exercises, and an assemblage of bookmarks, which are useful references to learners, researchers, and educators. These publications are authored by the MERLOT community or located while doing their studies and willingly shared with the public.

These sources have been extensively peer-reviewed, and the URLs have been checked regularly for sustainability. Hence, anyone who cites sources from MERLOT is all legitimate.


Wikiversity is a helpful platform for asking questions or mere fact-finding on a particular subject through their learning communities. Furthermore, the educational tools and activity outcomes from these communities are open to the public.

They are presented as tutorials for easy comprehension. Students are welcome to join and throw in questions about their projects. Community members can intervene and provide information or additional resources.


OpenStax offers open-source items authored by content professionals who are experts in their disciplines. These references went through a thorough peer-review process to provide relevant educational tools to the students.

All textbooks satisfy the standard scope and series of requirements, which makes them compliant with regular modules. They can see the list of contributors for every book if they need it for verification purposes. There are no hidden costs to access the online database.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a popular web search engine that links the entire content of scholarly material to a large publishing format and disciplines. It contains aggregate peer-reviewed academic journals, books, dissertations, theses, conference papers, technical reports, patents, and court opinions.

Hence, they use Google Scholar as their primary source of reference. Also, they can access the digital or physical copies of the journals.


Students can learn coding topics for free in 12 various programming languages through Codecademy. This online interactive network also allows users to personalize their learning methods, quizzes, and real-time projects.

Students looking for online sources about computer programming, learn SQL, a primary programming language for database questions, or Java programming; Codecademy is a useful online source that holds topics like those. The Hour of Code is its iOS app, which can be a handy learning tool during lectures or group work.


Coursera is an international online educational platform that provides free modules and academic references in various topics such as STEM-related subjects, digital marketing, business, and more. Students can enroll free of charge if they want to broaden their knowledge about a particular subject matter.

First-year students and undergraduates can also take up syllabi related to their major for additional exercises since the platform has quizzes, peer-graded assignments, and guided projects.

Saylor Academy

Saylor Academy has open online courses for students who wish to further their education at their convenience. They have a plethora of comprehensive curricula for casual learning, certificate completion, professional advancement, and career development.

Through their tuition-free offers, students can earn credit at their own pace and not spend a dime for it. Saylor Academy has worked with colleges and universities to offer free tuition transfer credit for their online courses.

Project Tools and Resources

A brown file folder labeled with Projects


Zotero is a functional tool when conducting research. Collating online sources may be taxing, especially if there are plenty of references to keep track of. Zotero can organize them accordingly through tags and keywords. The software can easily detect the saved searches and fill them with pertinent materials while working on the paper.

Furthermore, it helps cite the sources and transfer them to Word, Google Docs, or any compatible application. Zotero has more than a thousand citation styles available for users.


Reference management software streamlines the survey process for undergraduate and graduate students. The native formats used by JabRef are BibTeX and BibLaTeX. This software has an interface for searching, managing, and editing BibTeX files.

Moreover, users can rank the saved articles and group them accordingly via tags or commonly searched terms. It has a long list of built-in citation formats available, or students can use their own. Another feature is LibreOffice and Word, which are supported for quick formatting and inserting citations.


Grad students are always under extreme pressure because of the load of paperwork. They will use as many online tools as possible to simplify the process, and Grammarly can help them do that. It can grammar check, spell check, and detect plagiarism in their work.

Vocabulary suggestions are also available in case students miss out on the appropriate terms to use. This artificial intelligence language processing software is useful for emails, essays, and documents. A mobile app is free to download, which makes editing documents convenient and efficient.

Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Outline Maker

Applying the basics of making a thesis outline can be confusing, especially if it’s been a while since the last paper submission. The Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Outline Maker can guide the students with the format, from the thesis statement and subtopics to the supporting evidence for every topic.

The interface is pretty much straightforward; the various parts of the outline are color-coded, making it more accessible for visual learners.


Inkscape is a functional graphics editor appropriate for graphics engineering students. It’s free and available to everyone who wishes to learn or improve their graphic design skills. Since the software can work in various formats, it allows easy conversion of raster images to vectors.

For students working on vector graphics projects, this software will polish their designing skills.

EZ Statistics

Statistical analysis is vital in most research studies. EZ Statistics is an online tool for statistical testing that supports a frequently used range of parametric and non-parametric tests. It’s free and has a simple interface for first-time users to navigate.

This software can conduct several test samples, such as calculating the correlation and regression, finding the outliers using the Generalized Extreme Studentized test, and visualizing distribution.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg has more than 60,000 eBooks about the world’s great literary works, Western cultural traditions, and issues of periodicals. Those older books can sometimes be challenging to find, but with this website’s weekly uploading of eBooks, past novels, poems, and short stories may be accessible.

Their educational contents are also available in non-text files, such as audio or music notation. There are other releases in non-English languages, French, Portuguese, German, and Italian.


The Wolfram|Alpha may act as a web resource, but instead of typical definitions and explanations, this gives answers based on built-in data, computations, and algorithms. It has a mobile app that can answer complicated problems found in a wide range of primary and advanced college curricula.

Also, it has a lab programming feature that will teach students from basic to pro-level programming.


edX is a vast online course provider founded by MIT and Harvard. It holds massive online educational modules in an extensive range of disciplines offered to students worldwide. Students can take advantage of the free offerings in some subjects, ranging from leadership, communications, economics, and humanities to philosophy and ethics.

Whether it is for exploring new interests or changing fields, edX can provide a high-quality education just like in a traditional university setting.


RefSeek is a student and researcher-focused online search engine that seeks to make academic knowledge more accessible to everyone. More than five billion documents, including web pages, books, encyclopedias, periodicals, and newspapers, are searched by RefSeek.

Digital Library of the Commons Repository

The Digital Library of the Commons is a portal to the world’s commons literature. This is a website dedicated to constructing and maintaining electronic book collections and other types of material holdings without requiring end-users to purchase the resources they wish to study and read.

Microsoft Academic

Microsoft Academic is a Microsoft Research-developed free public online search engine for academic papers and literature. The tool was relaunched in 2016 with a completely new data structure and search engine that uses semantic search technology.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a search trends tool that displays the frequency with which a particular search phrase is entered into Google’s search engine concerning the site’s overall search traffic over time. You can also use Google Trends to compare keyword research and find spikes in keyword search volume caused by events.

Google Trends provides keyword-related statistics, such as a search volume index and geographic data on search engine users.


BASE is one of the most comprehensive search engines in the world, especially for academic websites. More than 200 million papers are available through BASE from over 8,000 content sources. The complete texts of roughly 60% of the indexed papers are available for free (Open Access). Bielefeld University Library manages BASE.

Test Preparation Tools and Resources

Test word on wooden cubes on notepad with pen on light blue background

Study Guide Zone

Senior high school and college students have entrance exams to prepare for, and Study Guide Zone is a webpage where they can access free online test-prep materials. It has an extensive test directory for business, career, college placement, graduate school, medical, legal, teaching, and counseling.

Initially, students can browse through the popular types of exams–SAT, ACT, LSAT, MCAT, and NCLEX. Then, use the online review tools and assess their preparedness by taking the practice tests.

The Princeton Review

The New York-based company offers college admission services through test preparation exercises, tutorials, admissions materials, online studies, and books. They also provide career readiness programs for upcoming graduates who wish to improve their skills before applying for a job.

The free exam reviewers and exercises for SAT, ACT, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE, and pretend exams for CFA and USMLE–are accessible on the website. The Princeton Review has partnered up with other institutions abroad. Hence, applicants from UAE, Turkey, and Asian countries may enroll in any of their services.


Upcoming examinees of the LSAT, GMAT, GRE, SAT, or ACT can refer to the PowerScore website, which offers free test preparation materials and services. Students can choose to join a participation-based classroom setup or one-on-one tutoring session or use the digital mock exams for the self-study method. A couple of webinars, forums, and podcasts are also in the selection of study resources.


The Peterson’s, an educational service company, helps aspiring college students pursue their academic aspirations in law, nursing, medical, or even military through their test readiness programs. They have free reviewers, faux exams, and articles for MCAT, GRE, LSAT, ASVAB, and GMAT.

Hopefully, nursing and education graduates will need to be ready for their NCLEX or PRAXIS exams; the site has learning tools and further assistance from test prep experts. Those who want to join law enforcement, firefighter, and EMT agencies can avail of their personalized study plan services.

Internship Resources

internship concept


College students will become interns and look for potential employers at some point. LinkedIn is an excellent place to start its internship-hunting process. They may start by uploading their CVs and browsing through the thousands of posted internship programs in various industries.

Some employers may include relevant details such as if it’s a paid or unpaid position, the job location, and the minimum number of hours required. Future interns may communicate with the company they’re applying for since the site has a message function for every employer.

Chegg Internships

The Internships is operating under Chegg, Inc., a California-based education technology company that offers different student services. Chegg Internships is a website where college students can find the ideal internship program that will improve their real-life skills until graduation. Aside from supplying a long list of job vacancies, the site offers assistance in creating resumes and cover letters, career advising, and interview tips. 

General Education Resources

Education word  on keyboard button

Khan Academy

Khan Academy provides educational materials in the form of videos and test exercises. Online course offerings for computer science, economics, finance, arts, and humanities are free. Incoming first-year students can refer to their college admissions corner, where they have tips for admission interviews and help brainstorming for their essays.

Entrepreneur majors can gain knowledge from the interviews with CEOs of top firms posted on the site. Their offerings also include materials on standardized testing preparations for PRAXIS, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, and NCLEX. Students will only need to sign up to make use of their services.


A mobile app for learning different languages can be handy, especially for taking up foreign language classes and other language-related syllabi. Mastering the fundamentals of a new language is essential for these programs.

Duolingo is free to download, has more than 90 different language courses, and is available in 38 languages. The teaching method involves labeling games about identifying common words and phrases. Familiarizing grammar and improving vocabulary skills are other inclusions in the module.


This type of software for teaching the core concept of web development and computer programming is useful for new students who wish to make it their major. SoloLearn has courses in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, and SQL. For basic programming, they can use the curriculum in Python, C++, and Ruby, then Java, C#, or Swift.

Students can evaluate their training through the Code Playground, share it with other coding enthusiasts, or fork other coders’ work and play with it. Engaging in this type of online environment is essential for building a solid foundation in software development education.


The online educational platform aims for students who want to develop job-related skills and earn technical certification. Videos, podcasts, and slides of the instructions and lectures are on the site’s mobile app, which is free to download.

Accounting, finance, real estate, business law, economics, and taxation are popular topics on the website. There are useful insights from professionals from various business industries in the country. Interacting with instructors and students is possible should the user need clarifications on the subject.

Google Arts & Culture

Sociology majors may find the Google Arts & Culture mobile app convenient when searching for online references. Videos and images of artworks and cultural artifacts are free to download. The contextual data of the media files on the site can be a part of the students’ content analysis.

Furthermore, the availability of art toolkits and history timelines on the platform can be convenient for academic resources.

Because the app is available in different languages, translating the exhibit information is doable so that there’s no detail missed out in the reference.

Hand arrange wood letters as medical word with stethoscope on wooden background.

NCSBN’s NCLEX Review Flashcards

The fastest way to become proficient in drug information is through this NCLEX review flashcards available in a mobile app. Drugs are in specific groups with complete info on their efficacy and side effects. Other functions include identifying medications in most prescriptions, knowing other high-alert treatments, describing and using common drugs, and other relevant details in an NCLEX review.

NCLEX RN Mastery

The software has more than 2,000 test-like questions, thorough explanations, and crucial techniques for aspiring nurses who will be taking NCLEX. Most of the items are in Select-All-That-Apply (SATA) format, and audio practice questions are perfect additions to the app. The majority of the practice questions come from actual previous exams, making it more reliable to test the user’s knowledge. CNA, ACLS, ECG, FNP, and Clinical Mastery are readily accessible in the nursing solutions options.


PEPID is a software that holds evidence-based clinical and drug information resources. Students who have medical-related majors can use this app to gain access to Continuing Medical Education Credits. There are several video references about physical examinations and medical procedures.

Also, there are regular updates on drug approvals, black box warnings, and new research. PEPID’s drug and clinical resources aid the student to improve their medication and patient-care procedures.


Epocrates app allows the users to look into drug interactions, refer to peer-reviewed details on ailments, check on monographs regarding alternative medication, and recheck guidelines for care and treatment.

Its database holds extensive disease information where empiric and specific treatments are quickly generated by looking up the name of the infectious disease. Exchanging HIPAA-compliant text messages among clinicians or healthcare staff are also available in the app.


An app from WebMD, the famous medical resource of physicians, medical students, and nurses, holds a database of a plethora of drugs, diseases, and conditions. Students can refer to their library of procedural videos and clinical images and make use of MEDLINE for their citation searches.

Users can utilize the software for acquiring credits in CEU and CME. The integrated dosing calculator feature has more than 120 formulas, scales, and over 600 drug monographs.


An app that will help check symptoms, research specific conditions, learn about drug and treatment details, and familiarize first aid essentials is a helpful learning tool for nursing and medical students.

Also, users can collate medically-reviewed articles about particular diseases that may be part of a case study. WebMD will also tell them all relevant to the illness, such as causes, treatments, and other symptoms.

Taber’s Medical Dictionary

Taber’s Medical Dictionary is a detailed health science reference with 65,000 terms, over a thousand illustrations, videos, and a lengthy list of integrated audio pronunciations. Anyone who may require a quick definition of medical terminology can check the website and browse for free. A reliable medical source that most clinicians, health experts, and medical instructors refer to from time to time.

Nursing Central

Nursing Central provides quick and convenient solutions to students and nurses through its complete medical database. A thorough list of nursing journals and a variety of laboratory interpretations and diagnostic tests are familiar sources that can be of big help when in group work or simply answering assignments.

Find unfamiliar medical conditions under the Diseases and Disorders section; the site has almost 300 medical conditions listed and their detailed coverage.


NurseGrid is an app that will manage the nurse’s shifts and schedules for the entire month. The majority of nursing programs will involve clinical rotations, and students will be part of the rostering. Through NurseGrid, students can exchange messages with other nurses should they need an urgent change of shifts or issues with their rotations.

The amount of academic load for nursing students can take its toll; this app will somehow reduce the stress of organizing their clinical training schedules.


MedCalc can help aspiring nurses and doctors with the simplest to the most complicated medical calculations. The app contains over 300 formulas, scores, scales, and categories in respiratory, anesthesiology, neurology, pediatrics, obstetrics, EBM, and electrolytes–to name a few. Users can either use the website or download the app for free.


Med students can refer to Radiology 2.0 in a mobile app or website when they need to master reading CT scans, which can be difficult. With an accessible tool such as this, they can spend long hours using this interactive education. There are extensive discussions following every case. It has more than 7000 images that are available for practice reading of CT scans.


DailyRounds, a collaborative information-sharing platform, will provide updated clinical information through practice-relevant journal articles and their exhaustive drug database. Also, the software has several case-based problem-solving techniques for various medical situations, ECGs, and treatment instructions.

Healthcare professionals have used this app to streamline their reading cover-to-cover medical books whenever they encounter an unfamiliar medical scenario.

Architecture/Interior Design Tools & Resources

ARCHITECT on a wooden sign


Paper is one of the most multifaceted software for students who major in architecture. Its nifty interface includes list-building, photo-editing, basic sketching, diagramming, and drawing. Furthermore, it has gestural navigation, which provides space to design without being bothered by sliders and controls. This app is perfect for presentation projects, at school, or in study groups.


Sketchbook app provides creative professionals and aspiring architects a place to improve their sketching and painting skills. The time-lapse recording can record the sketching process, which is excellent for showing it to the instructor or sharing it with other students.

It makes it accessible for someone on the go to bring his imagination to life by using the app. Its library of brushes, which is a perfect alternative to expensive architectural tools, is free to download.


Concepts software, an advanced version of sketching paper, lets users freely enjoy its functions to create a vector-based output. In creative courses, learning how to sketch with precision and clarity is crucial.

The software’s vector-based output will develop students’ skills in the accurate creation and manipulation of marks on the screen. Aside from its function as mobile design development, it’s an educational tool that teaches a combination of traditional and digitalized architectural methods.

BIMx eXplorer

BIMx eXplorer has a distinct technology for controlling 3D building models and integrated drawing sheets and presenting detailed building information. Users can quickly gain access to 2D and 3D documentation.

For students using ARCHICAD, an architectural BIM CAD software, the BIMx is handy when presenting their designs to the class or professors. It also saves them the hassle of printing hard copies and distributing them to their classmates.


Interior design students may find this app convenient in giving them inspiration or remodeling ideas for homes. Designing custom houses, decorating a small area, and proposing home improvements are mostly part of the curriculum; this app contains more than a million products they can use for all those requirements.

Its massive library of photos of every part of the house, adding measurements, notes, and other specifications, can quickly create a detailed design plan ready for demonstration.


Before earning a license for architecture, candidates have to earn credits and join the Architectural Experience Program (AXP). Students will have to apply for an internship program at some point; this app will get them through efficiently by tracking and reporting their progress to their supervisor, adding and editing their work, and referencing AXP tasks and skills for every experience area.


Viewing 3D architectural designs in most file formats is now possible with the ViewER app. Compatible formats are openNURBS (3DM), Stanford Triangle Format (PLY), and Autodesk (3DS, DXF, DWF) formats, to name a few. It can transform a hand-drawn floor plan and convert it into a 3D model, which is also compatible with other 3D viewers. Architecture students can quickly work across several platforms.

RoomScan Pro

Creating a mock-up floor plan using a smartphone is necessary for anyone who is cramming for a project presentation; it will only take minutes. The software can immediately generate a floor plan right after a walk through the room.

It also includes inputting measurements and drawing building exteriors like gardens or yards. The app’s comprehensive functionality to map out a house or building makes it easy for someone who needs regular design plans for infrastructures or homes.


Writing a field report on or after visiting the site will be faster with the help of ArchiSnapper. It can snap a picture, sketch, draw, annotate, and input direct comments on the device to make a complete site report. Also included in its features are filed audits, punch lists, and safety reports, which are all very time-consuming if done manually.

ArchiSnapper saves time usually spent in data gathering to generate a full field report.


3D modeling and sketching are all doable in the Shapr3d app. It has an intuitive interface for simple navigation of the view and swift manipulation of the actions using a stylus, fingers, and thumb. The app can also instantly switch between 2D and 3D design, which is what busy architects need to improve conceptual projects while they’re on the move.

Primary functions are straightforward, keeping it simple for first-time users to explore the app.


Keeping an architectural design template on hand is just what most architecture majors should have for design exercises or projects. Smartdraw has templates available that can be customized, and built-in symbols can be added to the plan.

From landscapes to office spaces, the app can simplify the design process because of its extensive architectural library of visual images–cabinets, lighting, furniture, etc. There are thousands of fixtures appropriate for every part of the structure that seamlessly fit into the theme.

Law Tools and Resources

law text on black block

Lexis Advance

Law students can conduct their legal research through Lexis Advance’s website, which is a massive database containing complicated cases and legal subjects like criminal law, torts, contracts, civil procedures, property law, and constitutional law.

It also has videos and tutorials, which are necessary for exams and even for the bar. The website doesn’t require any search-based fees. Hence, it’s helpful to anyone who may be searching for a quick legal reference.

Westlaw Next

Westlaw Next is a website used for legal research by professionals, clients, and students. The database holds more than 40,000 legal cases, federal and state statutes, legal publications, journals, reviews, forms, magazines, and news, and will be of massive help to aspiring lawyers.

They can conduct their research on the go. A mobile app is available to keep lawyers and legal students updated with legal matters anytime, anywhere.

Legal Dictionary

Hearing unfamiliar legal terminologies and concepts is common for first-year law students. Carrying a legal dictionary everywhere is possible by downloading the Legal Dictionary app or referring to the website, which is available for free.

It’s advantageous for anyone taking a law degree to have quick and unlimited access to a legal source. The app has about 15,000 legal terms and 13,500 audio pronunciations from legitimate sources trusted by most legal experts.

Nolo’s Free Dictionary

A database that has the most updated legal definitions, courtroom jargon, contract basics, Latin Terms, and newly coined terms from the continually evolving legal language is in Nolo’s Free Dictionary. Remembering and listening to law terminologies used by the instructor during the lectures can be challenging.

Bringing a handy legal source like a mobile app will make a massive difference to the student’s legal vocabulary.


Bring the law anywhere that’s possible with the LawStack mobile app. The U.S. Constitution, state law, Federal Rules, U.S. Code, Federal Regulations, and more are all in just one database. Preparing for the bar, taking up law or studying for an exam, and having access to legal library time will make the preparation a lot easier.

Even legal professionals still require law references from time to time. Hence, keeping it all in one app is a terrific idea.


The CALI, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, facilitates making CALI lessons. It is a library containing interactive legal tutorials and legal casebooks authored by legal professors. The majority of U.S. schools are using references provided by the organization.

There is a regular update on the content written by law professors for sustainability.

Law Dojo

Prospective law students can download the Law Dojo app to paint a picture of what they are about to encounter in pre-law and law courses. The app features civil procedure, criminal law, civilian rights in police scenarios, and law doctrine–all in a game format.

Learning the law but keeping it interesting is how Law Dojo will educate the users.


Flashcards are the most effective test-preparation tool for every student–primary, secondary, graduate, and undergraduate. Quizlet gives access to legal terms and concepts designed by other legal students all over the globe.

Topics fall into various categories, so users can quickly select which group to prioritize. This app is also perfect for group studies, where students can quiz one another using flashcards. It’s a simple but convenient study tool for learners.

ABA Journal

ABA Journal, from the American Bar Association, will provide legal students with access to articles on the latest issues and breaking legal news and follow Supreme Court Cases. Also, there is a multitude of legal blogs with analysis authored by legal experts. The featured stories come from the state’s most-subscribed and read legal affairs publications.

Hence, everything found on the app is legitimate information. Students can cite them as credible references.

Accounting/Business Tools and Resources

ACCOUNTING word cloud. White office desk.

Journal of Accountancy

The Journal of Accountancy is a website of the American Institute of CPAs that brings relevant and up-to-date accounting news to students and financial decision-makers. Also, the site has videos, podcasts, and magazines that deliver professional and regulatory updates. Financial reporting, tax, practice management, and a comprehensive library are all available on the website.


Accounting allows prospective students, fresh graduates, and current accountants to access the latest accounting trends.

News such as the changes to the renewal of state licensure procedures and requirements for continuing education for CPA licensure, internship programs, and information about accounting courses and degrees are the kind of information that Accounting will never miss out on sharing with its target audience.

All data shared on the site came from accounting experts, industry professionals, and students to cover everything in the world of accounting.

My Accounting Teacher

Basic accounting may be tough for other students; the My Accounting Teacher app will help build their accounting foundation with ease. The software has all the accounting definitions, equations, and even the debits & credits, which come with a 25-minute narration. Instructions and topics on adjusting entries, accounting cycle, sales receivables, and Cash-COGS and inventory are available in the form of articles, videos, or narration.


The Accounting Challenge app makes learning accounting interesting through its multiple-choice type of questioning. Mastery of accounting terms is essential for students, and it takes time to be able to familiarize themselves with everything.

Through the app, the process gets fun and exciting. A fast-paced type of questioning will challenge the users to brush up on their accounting knowledge. This app is a useful learning tool in accounting.


Alison is a leading learning platform for education and skills training. They have a vast database of free online accounting courses for aspiring students and those who wish to take advanced modules. Accounting Theory, Fundamentals of Accounting, Basic Accounting, and Principles of Accounting are standard curricula that Alison offers for free.

They have various learning paths, which are a mix of niche courses that give students options on what areas they want to focus on.

Class Central

There are more than 100 free accounting courses from top universities in the world offered in Class Central. The site provides a listing of online classes that are helpful to anyone who aims to acquire knowledge, whether for career advancement, curiosity, or extra credit–it’s all for free.

Also, users can look into review courses, check on colleges or universities, and read updates on modules, which are all crucial information for every college student.

MIT Open Courseware

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology formed an initiative, the MIT OpenCourseWare, a platform for all their educational materials that college students can gain unlimited access to.

It also contains an extensive library of academic resources in accounting, business, medicine, humanities, and more. Instructors and professors from other colleges and universities have used the website as an educational resource for their lectures and school symposiums.

Practice Quiz

Practice Quiz is a source of high-quality academic content, such as reviewers and testing materials for free. Joining a test preparation class can be expensive; other students prefer to do the preparations on their own.

Through the Practice Quiz website, the materials come from reliable test prep providers who are generous enough to share some of their tools. CLEP accounting, financial accounting, and financial risk management are just a few of the multitude of practice exams found on the platform.

Psychology Tools & Resources

The word psychology appearing behind torn paper.

APA Journals

The American Psychological Association Journal website has a comprehensive list of articles on all research topics of psychology. It comes in a mobile app that students can use to have convenient access to the latest and crucial psychological literature of the discipline.

The heavy-research portal is also a source of reference for instructors and professionals to stay updated while improving their knowledge of classic research in their areas of the discipline.

3D Brain App

This software allows the students to scrutinize the human brain’s 29 areas, their functions, and different types of brain disorders. Also, students can learn about the latest research relevant to the topic of mental health.

Psychology majors and medical students will find the mobile app useful if they are looking for references about the distinct complexities of the human brain.

Draw it to Know it App

This application has straightforward explanations and clear diagrams of clinical information, making it a perfect tool for all psychology and medical students. Instructions are in animated video tutorial formats, making it easy to master the subject matter. There are also quizzes and flashcards for exam preparations.

The Brain Atlas and Muscle Directory, which are essentials in any Psych coursework, are available in this app. Tutorials, flashcards, and glossary terms have weekly updates to ensure the credibility of the information.

Intro to Psychology Mastery

The core and most essential concepts of Psychology are in one app, a convenient instrument for recently enrolled psych majors. It has over 2,500 question exercises, flashcards, and the proper pronunciation of unfamiliar terms, all of which are constructive elements for their exam prep.

It’s an ingenious tool for introduction to Psychology.


Brainscape is an educational platform that consists of flashcards covering a wide range of topics in Psychology and other college-level modules. Flashcards for grad school exams, foreign language, and college science are some of the most visited items by test-takers.

The use of learning tools such as flashcards, together with cognitive science techniques, allows students to master every topic faster than any other procedure.

Insight Timer

The Insight Timer app holds a vast collection of meditation sessions, podcasts, and recordings which psychology students can gain free access to. These materials meant for psychology patients are convenient for figuring out their benefits and efficacy and suggest other techniques that may improve their overall mental health.

Psych Central

The oldest and most prominent independent network for mental health is Psych Central. It contains the most updated news and has a vast collection of psychology and psychiatry content articles and annotated discipline-focused resources.

All information gathered is evidence-based, making it credible for experts, patients, and students who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge about mental health.

Abnormal Psychology

The Abnormal Psychology by Professor Frederick J. Rocco is a 26-part podcast about which personality can become a disorder with a concentration on healthy human development. It covers mood disorders, suicide transcription, personality disorder transcription, anxiety disorders, and more.

These podcasts are suitable educational materials that can supplement psychology modules.

JHSPH OpenCourseWare

The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health OCW has an extensive list of course materials used by teachers and students. The website offers various courses on mental health, Microbiology, Immunology, behavior, society, epidemiology, and general health.

All of these are offered for free and unlimited access. The course materials will provide students with a valid introduction to the methods, theories, and applications related to their areas of interest.

Psychiatry Online

Psychiatry Online is an online source of ebooks, textbooks, journals, and multimedia about mental health, psychiatry, and behavioral science. Its library of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders has commonly searched books such as DSM-5 Clinical Cases and DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis.

There are audiobooks and other media content, which can also have a significant contribution to any college-level research project.

Computer Science/Programming/IT Tools & Resources

information technology word cloud on office scene


Coderwall will show first-year computer science geeks what they are about to tackle in their classes. They join one of the 6,000 coding teams giving expert tips, tutorials, code fragments, and information about the latest technologies. Professionals can assist the newbies through the gamified social community of coders.

IT eBooks

Buying textbooks is inevitable in college. But IT eBooks may have something for free. They have a broad collection of IT eBooks; some of the popular titles are Hands-On Dark Web Analysis, Learning TensorFlow, and Pro C# 7. Go through the list first before heading to the bookstore.

Chegg (formerly StudyBlue)

Chegg lets the students share their class materials and create digital flashcards to share with other students through their gadgets. It includes tests, notes, and education materials grouped by topic.

This crowd-sourced platform can assist anyone who is academically struggling in college by accessing free educational content.

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

The website holds definitions for algorithms, techniques, data structures, archetypal problem exercises, and other related terminologies. Some entries come with links directed to implementation or extended information.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Editorial Style Manual

Follow the correct way to write science-related academic papers through the IEEE Editorial Style Manual. Like in any other non-science, subject-focused research, computer science degree programs also follow the basic format for their research studies. Other colleges and universities have also used this manual as their standard reference.

Stanford Engineering Everywhere

An initiative program similar to MIT OpenCourseWare, offering three introductory sequence modules for computer science. It has a broad range of programming courses, linear systems & optimization, and artificial intelligence. All their educational materials, videos, homework, syllabi, and exams are downloadable for free.


Computer nerds can collaborate with thousands of web developers or review codes in GitHub. It contains the biggest collections for code, which is available for private or open source. There are also features like commenting, forking, and Git versioning available on the website. The collaborative features will allow students to follow several experts’ accounts and find out what software program they’re working on.

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a multifaceted website with question-and-answer features for programmers, web developers, and computer professionals. Students can use it as their online source for coding, programming, and other computer-related topics by engaging with the professional community. They can also share their knowledge or exchange ideas with the experts to improve their coding skills.

Programming Hub

Programming Hub is a type of software for programmers and students that can be their source of information about Python, Assembly, C#, VB.NET, and more. It has over 20 courses and 5,000 example programs that they can work on and access, especially during test prep. E-certificates are available for every course completion, which boosts resumes on popular platforms like LinkedIn and Internships.

AIDE – IDE for Android Java C++

The app has sequential lectures showing directions about Android app development and Java programming. Coding lessons come in a step-by-step method, keeping it simple for first-year students. There are functions for real-time checking and refactoring, and smart code navigation is featured on the software too


Cybrary provides training to prospective students about basic and advanced cybersecurity through a mobile app. It offers convenient access to modules created and instructed by the information technology industry’s credible professionals. Also, the platform has features that enable students to communicate with their mentors and instructors.

An online education platform for students who wish to earn extra credits or improve their academic standing is doable at Instructions and lectures are in video format and sequenced from intermediate to advanced levels, making it convenient for students to follow a self-paced method.

Standard college-level modules are introductory to social sciences, computer science, and businesses, just to name a few. Also available are study guides for learners seeking credit-by-exam and certificate programs to improve a professional’s resume.


freeCodeCamp provides a venue for students to acquire knowledge about coding, information security, data visualization, software development, and more. Lessons are in short clips, interactive sessions, and articles, open for anyone to access. Also, students can earn verified certifications for free.

The Odin Project

Free courses on Ruby Programming, JavaScript & JQuery, and Web Development 101 are available on The Odin Project website. It follows a non-traditional approach for every course and has loads of projects for students to work on and build a portfolio on Github. The variety of learning tracks allows the students to have a more personalized pathway through the curriculum.


The fastest way to look up syntax is through W3Schools. It’s an educational platform that concentrates on teaching web technologies and related topics like HTML, CSS, Java, Python, and more. Coding examples, common coding problems, and troubleshooting are all accessible for practice, training, and reference. The website offers certification for HTML, CSS, SQL, Python, and other web programming classes.

Everything you need to know about web development is accessible at LearnCode .academy’s YouTube channel. It has tips, tricks, and tutorials, which are constructive for first-time programmers or prospective students of web development major. Beginners can easily hit replay the tutorial clips when they perform their coding practice.


Their video lectures about computer programming are useful study materials or practice tools to stay on track with coding-related modules. Popular topics like Git tutorials, Python, Wireshark, and Android app development are available and categorized by playlists.

College Cliffs - Online Tools Fact 1

Business and Economics

Business and Economics

Virtual Library Labour History

The International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam maintains this library, which provides historians with great resources for studying economics, business, and other topics.


EconLit provides easy access to more than 120 years of economics literature from throughout the world in a searchable manner. Find historic journal articles from 1886 to 1968 and journal articles, books, book reviews, articles, working papers, and dissertations.

National Bureau of Economic Research

The NBER is a non-partisan, private research institution. Their mission is to understand better how the economy operates. It disseminates economic studies to government officials, business professionals, and academics.

Research Papers in Economics

RePEc is a volunteer-maintained bibliographic database of working papers, articles, books, and even software components containing over 1.2 million research items in economics and related disciplines.

Corporate Information

Business Information is ideal for conducting company research since it makes it simple to locate corporate financial information.


This fantastic site for discovering economic resources, such as employment, courses, and even conferences, will appeal to economists.

Google Finance

To keep track of your portfolio and the stock market, use this search engine to seek stocks quickly.

EDGAR Search

The Securities and Exchange Commission mandates a number of disclosures that might be beneficial to investors, and you can discover them all in this handy, next-generation method for searching electronic investment papers.


HHistoreystoryDavid Rumsey Historical Map Collection

Check out David Rumsey’s Map Collection, which has over 30,000 pictures and can be searched by keyword using the LUNA Browser.


With the Genesis dataset and comprehensive list of websites, you may find excellent materials about women’s history.


Fold3, the web’s best collection of authentic military records and memorials, provides access to historical military documents.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook

Thousands of sources in modern history may be found using the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Full texts, multimedia, and more may be found by browsing and searching.

Library of Anglo-American Culture and History

Use the history guide from the Anglo-American Culture and History Library to find a subject catalog of over 11,000 suggested websites for historians.

Internet Ancient History Sourcebook

With complete text and search on themes including Mesopotamia, Rome, the Hellenistic world, Late Antiquity, and Christian roots, the Internet Ancient History Sourcebook is a fantastic site to learn about human origins.

History Engine

Students may study history by researching, writing, and publishing in this tool for collaborative education and research, resulting in a collection of historical articles in US history that can be searched for here by academics, instructors, and the general public.

Math & Technology


ZMATH Online Database

The online database of Zentralblatt MATH contains millions of entries from thousands of serials and periodicals dating back to 1826. In the year 2012, about 35,000 new items were added.


The Institution of Engineering and Technology created this database for scientists and engineers. Nearly 13 million abstracts and research papers, especially in the disciplines of physics and engineering, are available.

The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

This bibliography collection contains over 3 million references to journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports in the field of computer science.

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