How Will My Economics Degree Make Me Employable?
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Your set of talents is the most significant factor in landing a job. The second most crucial component is to find work that you enjoy. Your preferences, however, are your problem, even though economics provides you with a vast range of options.
However, you may not understand how marketable you are becoming as a result of your economics studies.
Your economics education has given you a fantastic collection of job skills. In fact, this major will provide you with nearly all of the most significant job skills. For the sake of clarity, these abilities can be divided into three categories:

Quantitative Communication Skills
This entails an understanding of numbers and their significance and the capacity to explain quantitative data to others. In economics, all graphs depict quantitative notions, and as an economics major, you will have no aversion to graphs.
In addition, several classes employ explicit numerical problem-solving techniques. In Statistics, Econometrics, and other advanced courses, you can master various statistical, computational, and software tools and applications.

Qualitative Communication Skills
This entails communicating with a wide range of people in several ways. Through essay examinations, papers, and homework, you will learn to explain your views in writing in economics.
Furthermore, the small class numbers in upper-level programs allow you to participate in class discussions. All of these resources will help you improve your interpersonal communication abilities. Some classes may include explicit opportunities to collaborate with other students.

Analytical Problem-Solving Skills
Economics is the best major for learning how to solve analytical problems. You’ve figured out how to break down a problem into its constituent parts (ceteris paribus).
You’ve discovered that economics contains a core set of tools that can be used in various situations (the exact mechanisms apply to both consumer and firm behavior, for example). All of business is problem-solving, and this is the knowledge you gained from economics’ logical structures.
Summary Points
As you can see, these are generic job abilities that aren’t limited to a single occupation. As a result, you have a wide range of job options available to you.
However, because you have both quantitative and qualitative talents, it’s natural to take advantage of your comparative advantage and look for a job that leverages both sides of your education.
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