Why Are Colleges Going Out Of Business?

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From 2016 to 2019, 86 colleges shut down or merged with other schools – 53 colleges closed permanently during the 2019-2020 school year
Falling Enrollment & Failing School
- From 2019 to 2021, undergraduate enrollment fell by 7.8% — The largest 2-year drop in the last 50 years
- In 2022, more than 1 million fewer students are enrolled in college than before the pandemic began
- Why Is Enrollment Falling?
- Rising education costs: Rising college costs outpaced both inflation and family income growth until the pandemic halted tuition increases
- Lower return on investment: 99.5 million Americans have a bachelor’s degree or higher – 73% have a job unrelated to their major
- Smaller candidate pool: From 2025 to 2029, college enrollments are predicted to fall by more than 15% due to smaller college-age population
- Lack of interest: Just 48% of high schoolers want to go to a 4 year college – down from 71% in 2019
- Pandemic Accelerates Declining Enrollment
- In 2020, 56% of US college students said they could no longer afford their tuition
- Half said they needed to figure out a new way to pay because of the impact of COVID-19
- Nearly 7% had already decided to unenroll in favor of full-time employment or alternative education options
- In fall 2021, 70% of college students say affordability affected their education plans
- Nearly 500,000 undergraduates dropped out in the fall of 2021
- Financial strain impacts plans after graduation
- 36% of parents tapped into their child’s college fund to weather the financial impact of the pandemic
- High schoolers are now more likely to choose a less expensive option
- Community college: 36% – Up from 28% before the pandemic
- 15% will go to a public rather than private college
- 27% will take a gap year to save for college
- 36% will attend a community college – up from 28% before the pandemic
- “I think US college education is nearer to collapsing than it appears . . . it’s clearly a bad deal for many students” — Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI
- In 2020, 56% of US college students said they could no longer afford their tuition
74% of higher education professionals say their institution is facing significant financial constraints
The University of Arizona projected $250 million in lost tuition revenue due to COVID-19
Colleges Compete For Business
- From 2019 to 2021
- Community college enrollment fell 15%
- Highly selective colleges increased enrollment by 3.1% — equaling pre-pandemic levels
- Smaller schools are more likely to struggle
- 79% of schools with fewer than 5,000
- 52% of schools with more than 30,000
- In 2019, 419 college were still accepting applications after the traditional May 1 deadline
- With declining enrollment, schools must compete for students in order to maintain their tuition revenue
- Despite rising costs, many universities operate with a tiny margin
- La Salle
- More than 5000 students
- Several Division I sports programs
- Operating with just 2.6% margin
- La Salle
- Despite rising costs, many universities operate with a tiny margin
- With declining enrollment, schools must compete for students in order to maintain their tuition revenue
- Ivy Leagues and other highly selective schools have a competitive advantage
- Sought-after degrees consider higher value than public and community colleges
- Large endowments allow schools to offer generous financial aid to attract students
- Yale: 64% of attendees receive tuition assistance
- Tuition, fees, books, room & board: $77,750
- Average needs-based scholarship: $59,000
- Total out-of-pocket cost: $22,000
- Tuition, fees, books, room & board: $77,750
- Public, in-state, 4-year college
- Average tuition, fees, room & board: $21,950 average
- Yale: 64% of attendees receive tuition assistance
- How Endowments Work
- Endowments are financial assets created from charitable donations
- Designed to create a permanent pool of investments without too much risk
- Universities use endowments to fund
- General operations
- Student aid programs
- Research and fellowships
- Public service missions
- Schools that spend 5% or less of their endowment each year assume less risk for the future market value of their investments
- Just 106 universities have endowments of more than $1 billion
Higher education is a big investment — Make sure your choice is financially viable
Is Your College At Risk?
- Determine the financial health of your college before you enroll
- Endowment Reports
- May be published online or available upon request
- Look for college spending less than 5% of their endowment
- Tuition Discount
- Ask for the college’s tuition discount rate
- Above-average discounts may signal poor financial health
- In 2018-19, the average nationwide discount for incoming freshmen was 52.2%
- Financial Responsibility Composite Score
- Published by US Department of Education
- Available for all schools accepting federal aid
- News reports
- Look for indicators of trouble ahead
- Frequent changes in leadership
- Declining enrollment
- Potential mergers
- Accreditation issues
- Look for indicators of trouble ahead
- Endowment Reports
- Be prepared for the chance your college could close
- Sometimes colleges close slowly over months or years, others shutdown nearly immediately
- Keep record of course syllabi, transcripts, and important conversations of with school officials
- If Your College Closes
- Colleges that shutdown may sign transfer agreements with nearby universities to help students finish their degrees
- Be wary of high pressure tactics to accept transfer agreements
- Get the details of how credits will transfer before making a decision
- Reach out to local legal aid office for help and advice
- Research federal loan discharge options
- If your college closes while you’re enrolled or soon after you withdraw, you may qualify for a full refund of payments and even garnished wages
- Colleges that shutdown may sign transfer agreements with nearby universities to help students finish their degrees
Invest wisely when choosing a college