What is the salary range for people with Bachelor’s in Childhood Education degrees?

Elementary Teacher
Most Bachelor’s in Childhood Education graduates work as teachers, which makes the average salary rates relatively easy to find in statistics. The most common, specific job they land is elementary teaching.
Elementary teachers earn around $61,690 annually. Kindergarten teachers earn approximately the same annually, and this is the second most popular career path for graduates with a degree in Childhood Education.
Most schools require a Bachelor’s degree as well as a state license. Both jobs are projected to show little to no growth between 2022 and 2032; however, circumstances change due to retirements and those who choose to change professions.
Most teachers who are holders of a Bachelor’s in Childhood Education degree do not work during the summer season. Instead, they take part in continuing education programs, as well as state-mandated activities in preparation for each school year. Of course, the average salary varies from state to state.
Middle School Teacher
Middle school teachers can also be an exciting career option for graduates. The average annual salary is $61,810.
Virtually all schools require a bachelor’s degree, and a state license is a must for public school teachers. Teaching students from the 6th to the 8th grade is exciting to work; it’s that phase of students being not teenagers yet, but no longer the small children teachers are used to.
Career and Technical Educator
Another interesting career path is by being a Career and Technical Education teacher. Some students opt not to go to college for various reasons and have acquired practical skills by attending technical trade schools where career and technical education teachers work.
Teachers typically deal with middle school or high school students, but some also enjoy thriving careers in community colleges and universities that offer two-year courses.
Job growth for this category of teachers is a bit slower than average, but they maintain teaching schedules that are slightly flexible as some students opt to have night classes or go to school during the weekends only.
High School Teacher
Some Bachelor’s in Childhood Education graduates work as high school teachers. The average salary is $62,360, and job openings are not expected to show significant growth for middle or elementary teachers at this time.
The workload can be a bit more burdensome as they work as members of the faculty, performing administrative work and teaching at the same time. Pay differs by state.
Social & Community Service Manager
While generally, Social and Community Service Manager work requires a degree in Psychology, it also welcomes Bachelor’s in Childhood Education graduates. The average pay is $74,240 annually; it is much higher than most entry-level teachers.
Job openings for social and community service managers are expected to grow an astounding 9% per year, faster than the average of other teaching jobs.
Marketing Research Analysts for publishers or children’s educational toys earn a median of $68,230 annually. The job growth rate is at 13% each year, faster than average for most teaching positions.
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